Let's get TECHnical

A few guidelines and tips on the latest technology!

Monday, November 28, 2011

TPTE 486

TPTE 486, what can I say? It was a loooong adventure full of technology projects, bumps in the road, frustration with new tools, but there was also new knowledge of helpful things to use inside and outside the classroom. I think this class went well, but I also feel it was an overload of things to do. I think what went wrong was there was a major problem of focus because we could not spend much time on one thing, along with only meeting twice a week. What went well was the iMovie, Smilebox Wiki, and possibly the Google site. iMovie was one of mya favorites, and I think with older kids it would be a fun projects! I wish I had more time with some of the projects, but overall it was a great class.

This class has taught me many things I can use in the classroom. Anything from wikis, various web 2.0 tools, iMovie, and the webistes. Most everything we learned we could use in the classroom. However, I am not sure that I will use everything because technology can be a distraction. I will definitely use the Google site knowledge,  Dropbox, Delicious, Smilebox, and the iMovie. Like I said above iMovie would make a great project for older elementary students. TPTE 486 has provided me with information and ideas I will take me on my journey to be a teacher.

If I could do anything differently I would have no procrastinated on some things and kept a steady pace throughout, but I feel we all say that and it is our nature to take on what we can at that moment. I enjoyed doing the projects, but I just wish we could have done more with a fewer projects that we will for sure use in the classroom. Overall I learned a lot and was happy with all my final projects!

The end of blogging.... for TPTE 486

As you can see from my first entry on Tech Savy Tips, this is my first blog. This class has generated a lot of firsts for in the tech world, but I could not be more thankful for the information! I think the blog went alright because I kind of forgot to post on a weekly basis due to all the other projects we had to do, but It is nice to get thoughts and experiences down. I would consider that was what went well! I thought doing a blog would be annoying, but I have actually enjoyed it now that it is over. I'm not sure that I will have personal blog, but the process of the blog went well and it was easy to set up and post new entries.

A blog could be use in the classroom to keep parents updated on what is going on in the classroom. Teachers can upload what they are doing on a weekly basis, and a blog could also keep students on track with the work they have to do for the class. Blogs are great for updating information, and I think teachers should definitely have one if they are willing to post a regular basis.

If I could do anything differently I would have posted weekly so I would not have to post so many during one week. I believe having regular posts is important to a blog, but again this was my first blog, and I was not too familiar with the process, but now I know how to have a successful blog!

My first google site!

I have never created a website and the idea of it was daunting. When I first started to create my classroom site I was not too thrilled, but now I am happy to know how to create and edit a website. It will be more than helpful in my future career.

I think the website was a work in progress. At first we created it, and then did not revisit it much until we go into our tech projects. Once I started to use it more I became very fluent in making a website. I thought it went pretty well when I go the hang of editing, adding a page, font, insert a image, etc. I had a couple of mistakes adding pages, but after I learned from my mistake I could help other people add a page. I believe the overall process was a success!

This project of making a website will be the most useful in the classroom (in my opinion). You can use it to upload your experience as a teacher, information parents and students would like to know, and contact information. Also, you could create a page for just about anything that would only add to a classroom. For my teacher's choice page, I chose to insert a supply list page, and I think that is great to have so parents do not have to ask questions and have access to the list whenever they need it. The website will help teachers and parents communicate overall!

If I could do anything different, I would just spend  more time on it and decorate it more so it would be more inviting. I might have chose a different layout, but overall I'm happy with my final product. It was my first website, and I think has what it needs. Please visit my site!

Wiki Wiki

The Wiki experience was a new one for me, I was not sure what one was until TPTE 486. I did not realize that Wikipedia was a huge Wiki, but now it makes sense once learning about wikis. At first I was not sure what Wikis were or how they would be useful, but the elementary education group created our resource wiki it began to make more sense.

What went well? The first wiki we made was the All about me wiki, and it went fine, but I was still not sold on the idea of a wiki. It was easy to set up once you got the format and how to insert images down. Then, with a partner, I made a wiki about Smilebox. I began to realize the usefulness of the wiki being able to work on it with someone else. It was neat how two people could work on it without having to be on the same computer. The collaboration went really well. Then, the third wiki I participated in was the resource wiki with a group of 13 people. That did not go so smoothly because there were so many people working on, but I began to really understand how a wiki would benefit teachers. However, once it was down it was amazing how it all came together.

I would use the wikis in the classroom to help parents be more involved and know what is going on in the classroom. I could make a wiki about a trip the students took to a zoo, or even make a virtual field trip. Also, it was be neat to make a wiki for each student and post there projects and reports on their page for their peers or parents to see. I think a wiki is a vital tool in a technological classroom! If I could do anything differently, I would suggest to not have so many people on one wiki because it easy to have not an equal participation and too many ideas could be flying all over the wiki.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Importance of Sleep iMovie

I created an iMovie on the importance of sleep for elementary children. I thought this tech project went really well. I actually enjoyed creating the iMovie. The only thing that was a little difficult was finding pictures, referring back to their original site, and then siting them on the credits page. Other than that, creating the actual movie went smoothly. Planting the pictures was simple, finding how I wanted my captions was fun to play around with, and finding a song to go with the movie was simple as well using the public domain website.

I could use this iMovie activity in the classroom by having students (in the upper elementary level) create a movie that goes along with a book they read; for example a book report. I could also use this as a virtual field trip of the zoo or somewhere out of the country during a history lesson. Also, I could use an iMovie to demonstrate an experiment for a science lesson. The ideas are almost endless, and I think the iMovie is a great tool to have and know how to correctly use in the classroom.

If I could do anything differently, I would have chosen all my pictures originally from the public domain website to avoid tedious siting of the my pictures regarding copyright. I'm not sure what else I would do different because I thought for my first movie, I did fine without many obstacles! I really recommend this as a great and fun tool to use inside and outside the classroom! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My New Mac Book

So, I use to be a 100% PC and had a Dell ever since I could remember! I had my whole life on my Dell with nothing backed up or saved to a flash-drive. This actually made me think back to the Sex and the City episode where Carrie's computer crashes and looses all her work. Fortunately, I did not loose anything too personal. My pictures are really the only thing I want off my Dell, but it comes with a price... $100. No, thanks, not right now! I'm a college kid that has to eat! But the good news is my mom went out and surprised me with the Mac Book Pro!

There were many things that went wrong getting to the know the Mac. First, my mother was fooled by the Geek squad and did not get me Microsoft word, she got me pages. It is not easy to transfer documents since the whole world uses Microsoft word. It took me a little bit but I finally figured out how to save my Pages documents as a Word document. It is about time, and this has saved me a lot of revising on the computers in the library! Now, a lot of things have gone quite well. I love how light the Mac is, the keyboard, and how it is compatible with more things. I very happy to no longer have a PC and have a Mac... they are the future!

What I will do differently next time is back up my work and start putting everything on Dropbox (which I am still getting use too). I have learned not to keep everything on a computer because they cannot be completely trusted, and there comes a hefty price with get your own things back from the geek squad. Also, I will forever be a Mac user and no longer a Dell.

Exel Spreadsheet, a little tedious!

I did my excel worksheet on the solar system, asking questions about the sun and the 9 planets. This tech project did not go so well for me. I ended up doing it wrong the first time due to my questions being too long and making the spreadsheet more than one page. So, I can it another try! It was not as hard the second time because I had gotten and expected the tedious steps to making the "perfect" excel spreadsheet. However, I still did not get it down correctly. I forgot or did not do the name and date correctly to where students or myself could write something in the blank. This excel sheet was frustrating for me, but I'm sure once I get the hang of it and a little practice it will be a useful tool for the classroom and outside the classroom because of how organized the structure of an excel sheet entails.

I could use this type of excel sheet in the classroom by giving mini quizzes and testing my students knowledge. It could be a weekly practice worksheet as well and give students immediate feedback if their answer is correct or not. However, I would have to use it in the upper elementary grades that are familiar with technology. The excel spreadsheet will not be my go-to tool for the classroom, but I can see its benefits as well!

Next time, I will check over my excel worksheet multiples time and make sure my frustration stays at the door. I feel I was ready for the project to be over, I did not check to see if everything was working correctly. It just looked good on the surface, and at the time, that was good enough for me. However, I want it to work as well and have this technology skill down for the future!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Smilebox was Bethany and my Web 2.0 tool. Smilebox is a free, read-to-use tool that allows its users to get creative to share photos and videos in a variety of formats. It gives the options of designing your own invitations, greetings, slideshows, online scrapbooks, photo albums, newsletters, and calendars. Smilebox is fun to use and play around with, it can turn any event or project into something visually appealing. After becoming familiar with the website by creating our own account we were able to present and teach the class how to navigate and use Smilebox. The overall learning of Smilebox and teaching the "how tos" to the class went well. It has become a useful tool of my own, and once I figured out how to use I have become familiar with each format and have many of ideas how to use it now and in the future. The presentation went smooth as well. My peers seem to catch on fast, and we had each one of them create a Halloween party invitation. They were spooky cute!

I could use Smilebox in my future classroom with a number of things. The invitations could be used for holiday classroom parties, up-coming events throughout the school year, and for student's birthdays. The scrapbooks and slideshows would be essential assets for collecting memories of the things going on in class or simply a student's progress and "milestones". Also, Smilebox helps with creating newsletter to send out to the parents and calendars for families to keep in their homes. This Web 2.0 tool has endless opportunities to better organize a classroom and a teacher's way of communicating with parents.

I'm not sure I would do anything differently. I loved the Halloween classroom party invitation I designed. I enjoyed learning, using, and teaching what I know about Smilebox! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All about the four seasons diagram

I made this specific diagram to help second graders learn more about the four seasons, and how the seasons change throughout the year. I provided each season with three to four little facts that would help kids recognize certain changes they experience during the spring, summer, fall, and winter. I used pictures to provide a visual aid for each season and little notes to add additional information as well. I think this assignment went well. Once, I understood how to use the tools provided in Inspiration it was easy to navigate and create an appealing diagram to a second grader's eye. The images were easy to find and relate to the topics in the symbols box. Also, posting the diagram to my blog and website went smoothly too.

I will use this tool in my professional instruction with students when going over the atmosphere during a science lesson. The four seasons are great and vital teach the students what happens when the seasons change and how to prepare for the temperature changes. It would also serve as a great way to lead into discussion on what each student does for the upcoming seasonal adjustments. I will definitely use Inspiration in the classroom to be a tool that accompanies my future lessons. Inspiration can provide connection with an organized and grade appropriate structure.

If I had to do something different, I would put more thought into the fonts and figure out how to size everything exactly the same to make it flow better. Also, I would extend the information and put more facts with each season or what ever the concept to elaborate more. However, I feel this was a great start to using Inspiration and happy with the overall outcome of my diagram.

Excel Activity

Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Presentation: Hunt

The scavenger hunt I was assigned to was alphabet letters A through L. My group was to roam around the University of Tennessee campus and find objects that started with the letters A through L. Once we found our object we were to take a picture. After finding all the objects that started with the correct letter we came back to the classroom and loaded them onto our Mac computers. Then, we were to post them onto Google presentation and create a slideshow. I thought this activity went quite well. My group got stuck on a few letters, as easy as we thought it was going to be, but we put our imagination to work and found what we needed. Google Presentation was easy to use and created the slideshow pretty quickly. I think Google Presentation could have more format options, but other than that the whole assignment was fun and went well.

I could use Google Presentation in my professional instruction by teaching students the alphabet, animals at the zoo, weather patterns, and endless concepts and lessons. Google Presentation makes it accessible to teachers by having all teacher's slideshows in one place and quick to find each year when it is time for a certain lesson. Also, to have my students go on a scavenger hunt and find certain objects for an educational purpose would be a beneficial hands-on activity. I would have older students use the Google Presentation themselves. I believe it would be a different and advance way to learn a new concept.

I'm not sure what I would do differently, because I thought everything went over well. However, trying to make the slideshow more appealing would be the first thing I would change if I had too. Also, I could have tried to make the pictures more visualizing inviting, but for the most part I thought they worked just fine!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Picnik Snapshot

I really enjoyed learning about Picnik. I had always wonder how my friends got their pictures to look so artsy and different on Facebook. Now I know how to edit and really alter my pictures for the better. I took one of my pictures from Facebook and edited the color scheme, whitened the teeth, and made the border of the picture into a Polaroid. This Web 2.0 took has been one of favorite so far! I will definitely be using Picnik in the future.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Glogster Practice

Glogster was not one of my favorites at first because it was difficult to figure out how to design a well organized "poster". I actually had to use Glogster for one of my classes, and I got to play around with it much longer. My finish project in my Reading Education 430 class made me warm up to the idea of using Gloster in the classroom while presenting an idea.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Delicious Tags

How delicious!! I think delicious is a very handy tech web 2.0 tool.  It organizes a person's most popular websites they use for easy access. I have been using delicious ever since it was introduce to us in class. It is a lot better than having a whole bunch of history and typing in the same website over and over again. I would really recommend using Delicious on every computer to have some part of your life easy and organized.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Working with Wordle

I constructed my Wordle by putting in my Blog URL, and this is what I got! I also played around with the color pattern and customized it myself. Wordle can be fun for children just getting use tot he computer and especially helpful for learning spelling words. It would provide great decoration in the classroom, and highlight words that are most important. Once you get the colors down it can come up quite colorful!